About us

What is Ampelfreund?
Ampelfreund start as hobby 2009 on YouTube.
We collected traffic lights since 2003.
Since summer 2016 we stop to collecting traffic lights.

Since 2014, we have to make a new concept. We show traffic lights products around the world and start to build new connection. This time directly from Traffic Light companies. 

Ampelfreund is not a company!! We cant buy brandnew traffic lights. We have to ask for support and Sponsoring.

The YT Videos are not very professional, but we make own style. 

Traffic Light companies get free 
advertisement from us on Youtube and we brand new products with technmology we can study.

Ampelfreund unterstützt keineswegs die Ampelkoalition!! 



Do you need help with your Traffic Light or your company want support me? 

Contact me: ampelfreund@googlemail.com

1st Ampelfreund logo 2009 - 2017

2nd Ampelfreund logo 2017 - 2023

3rd Ampelfreund logo 2023 - 

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